
Same Deutz Fahr 3035 E Vs Solis 5015 E 4WD Comparison

Comparison results of Same Deutz Fahr 3035 E Vs Solis 5015 E 4WD on the basis of specifications, loading capacity, engine power (hp), no of gears, fuel type, ex-showroom price and more using the best tractor comparison tool in India on MotorFloor.

Same Deutz Fahr 3035 E
Same Deutz Fahr 3035 E
From ₹ 6.34 Lakh*
Solis 5015 E 4WD
Solis 5015 E 4WD
From ₹ 8.5 Lakh*
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Engine Same Deutz Fahr 3035 E Solis 5015 E 4WD
Engine Power 36 50
Engine Capacity (CC) 2400 CC 3054 CC
Engine Rated RPM 2000 RPM 2000 RPM
Torque 137 Nm 210 Nm
No of Cylinder 3 3
Air Filter Dry Type Dry Type
Cooling Type Water Cooled Water Cooled
Fuel Tank Capacity 55 litre 55 litre
Fuel Type Diesel Diesel
Charging Time N/A N/A
EV Range N/A N/A
Transmission & Brakes Same Deutz Fahr 3035 E Solis 5015 E 4WD
Clutch Type Single diaphragm Clutch Dual Clutch
Transmission Type Fully Constant Mesh Fully Synchromesh
Forward Speed 31.96 kmph 37 kmph
Reverse Speed N/A 12.2 Kmph
Forward Gears 8 10
Reverse Gears 2 5
Brake Type Oil immersed Sealed Disc Brakes Multi Disc Outboard Oil Immersed Brake
Wheel Drive Type 2WD 4WD
Dimension and Weight Same Deutz Fahr 3035 E Solis 5015 E 4WD
Loading Capacity 1620 KG 2330 KG
Wheelbase 1800 MM 2080 MM
Overall Length 3220 MM 3610 MM
Overall Width 1600 MM 1970 MM
Turning Radius 3700 MM 2900 MM
Lifting Capacity (Hydraulics) Same Deutz Fahr 3035 E Solis 5015 E 4WD
Lift Capacity (in KG) 1250 Kg 2000 Kg
3 Point Linkage Automatic Depth and Draft Control Category-II Implements
Hydraulic Controls Live ADDC with easy lift & 3 top link position ADDCCat- II
Tyre Size Same Deutz Fahr 3035 E Solis 5015 E 4WD
Front Tyre Size 6.00 X 16 8.30 x 20
Rear Tyre Size 12.4 X 28 14.9 x 28/16.9 x 28

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