
Swaraj 969 FE Trem IV-4wd Vs Mahindra Arjun 605 DI-MS Comparison

Comparison results of Swaraj 969 FE Trem IV-4wd Vs Mahindra Arjun 605 DI-MS on the basis of specifications, loading capacity, engine power (hp), no of gears, fuel type, ex-showroom price and more using the best tractor comparison tool in India on MotorFloor.

Mahindra Arjun 605 DI-MS
Mahindra Arjun 605 DI-MS
From ₹ 7.75 Lakh*
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Engine Swaraj 969 FE Trem IV-4wd Mahindra Arjun 605 DI-MS
Engine Power 70 49
Engine Capacity (CC) 3478 CC 3192 CC
Engine Rated RPM 2000 RPM 2100 RPM
Torque 243 Nm 214 Nm
No of Cylinder 3 4
Air Filter Dry Type Clog indicator with dry type
Cooling Type Coolant cooled Forced circulation of coolant
Fuel Tank Capacity 60 Litre 60 litre
Fuel Type Diesel Diesel
Charging Time N/A N/A
EV Range N/A N/A
Transmission & Brakes Swaraj 969 FE Trem IV-4wd Mahindra Arjun 605 DI-MS
Clutch Type Dual Clutch Dry Dual Clutch
Transmission Type Constent Mesh Partial Synchro Mesh
Forward Speed 0.9 - 33.0 kmph 1.6 - 32.0 kmph
Reverse Speed N/A 3.1 - 17.2 kmph
Forward Gears 12 15
Reverse Gears 3 3
Brake Type Oil Immersed Brake Mechanical / Oil Immersed Multi Disc Brakes
Wheel Drive Type 4WD 2WD
Dimension and Weight Swaraj 969 FE Trem IV-4wd Mahindra Arjun 605 DI-MS
Loading Capacity 2200 KG 2200 KG
Wheelbase 2210 MM 2145 / 2175 MM
Overall Length 3705 MM 3660 MM
Overall Width 1915 MM 2000 MM
Turning Radius 2100 MM 3150 MM
Lifting Capacity (Hydraulics) Swaraj 969 FE Trem IV-4wd Mahindra Arjun 605 DI-MS
Lift Capacity (in KG) 2200 Kg 2200 Kg
3 Point Linkage Category-II High precision, CAT-II
Hydraulic Controls CAT-2 High precision
Tyre Size Swaraj 969 FE Trem IV-4wd Mahindra Arjun 605 DI-MS
Front Tyre Size 7.50 X 16 7.5 x 16 (8 PR )
Rear Tyre Size 16.9 x 28 14.9 x 28 (12 PR)

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